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Want to make your man be forever in love with you? You will be asking yourself this question in the event that you like a man very much and you’re anticipating him feeling the same way for you. He is the man you had always wanted, and you really love him. You want him by your side always and you will do anything to keep him.

You are willing to take the necessary measures so he could fall head over heels for you, be attracted to you, has your name on his lips always. However, to you, it seems like a colossal task. In this article, you’ll learn about the 7 basic things you need to do in order to get your man attracted to your side and make him fall in love with you over and over again.


  1. Make Your Partner a Priority

Create time to let your husband or boyfriend know that he is so special to you. It’s understandable that life gets too busy; school, work, kids, and some other commitments that get in the way. Create time out of your busy schedule to send him a sweet text or get his favorite snack on your way home. This is a simple means of reminding him that he is always on your mind.


  1. Compliment Him

Who started the notion that only women like being told they are hot, look good, smell good, sexy or smart? It is a common idea that guys are more secure about their sex appeal and looks than ladies are. Men aren’t supposed to care about what outfits they put on or whether their new hairstyle looks great, right? Well, that is BS!

There has never been that guy who doesn’t care whether the lady he loved thought he was attractive or not. So tell him he’s so hot whenever you see him and make him feel loved and attractive. It's simple: Let him know the good stuff anytime it crosses your mind. Whenever he wears that old beat-up t-shirt, tell him he looks really hot. Tell him how much you like to smell his neck anytime you hug him.


  1. Trust Him

Romantic comedies taught many people that men are inept horn dogs who transform into slobbering cavemen around even slightly attractive women, however, don’t fall for that idea and respect your man’s intelligence. Don’t hound him about his charming colleague, friend, or neighbor. Insecurity is a major relationship wrecker, and outlandish lecturing, accusing, and snooping, and are certain to get you nowhere. In the event that you have any sincere worries about cheating, an honest and respectful conversation is typically the best place to begin.


  1. Feed Him

The saying actually rings true. The surest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Women who cook are more confident and sexier than women who don’t. Gone are the times of takeout menus and oily drive-through burritos. As a man ages, so does his sense of taste. Nothing makes a man happy more than a healthy home-cooked food made by his love.


  1. Make a Contribution to Your Relationship

There is nothing wrong with a woman being a homemaker; it is a hard job to raise the children and keep the house in control. It is making a contribution. You can likewise make a contribution by earning pay. It’s even okay if you earn more pay than he does. A man who is put off by a woman earning more pay than he does is not worth having.

That is to say, who wouldn't want a woman who is raking in the money? A foolish man, that’s who. You need to bring something to the table that makes life easier for both parties, regardless of whether that’s generating income, looking after finances, or preparing food for hungry children. What's more, do not feel the need to follow clichéd gender norms either. Reach a pact with your partner on what duty you will assume in the house.


  1. Be a Woman in His Corner

To be in his corner simply means that he feels safe whenever he’s with you. You see the man he is and the man he intends to be—and you appreciate and accept every bit of it. You fully believe in him, admire him, and support him. You are always by his side: you are his partner, not his rival.

He’s able to confide in you without dread of judgment or that you will use it against him. Sometimes he may say things that you do not want to hear, and that is alright, as well. You will listen to him compassionately and you will understand that this is who he really is, rather than seeing everything through your perspective and what you want him to be.


  1. Be Yourself

Make being yourself a habit. It’s easy to become a little lazy when you are in a relationship, however, if you are not taking care of yourself, that is a reflection on how valuable you are to yourself, and in the event that you do not put a respectable value on yourself, then why should he? You have to be your best self both emotionally and physically.

You need to look and feel your best. Men go after what they see, so if you want to keep him charmed and keep the fire burning, then be a lust object! This will likewise make you feel great because every lady loves feeling sexy. Committing to a healthy lifestyle is a way of taking care of yourself physically.

Get enough sleep, work out, eat well, and just take care of yourself well. This will benefit your emotional well-being and your physical appearance. Dealing well with your issues is a way of taking care of yourself emotionally. In the event that you don't, they will spill into the relationship. Love digs up all that is unloved inside us.


Discuss what makes the two of you happy and keep the channels of communication completely open. At long last, there are a lot of things that you can do to keep your guy close to you and happy in your marriage or relationship. In any case, remember that this is a two-way road, so as opposed to taking, taking, and taking, you should also give more and be thankful for all that you have.